In the week that thousands of people head off to San Diego Comic-Con for the world’s premier celebration of comic book culture in all its forms, we’re delighted to announce the launch of a new series of guides to the many worlds of comics and graphic novels.
Later this year we will be publishing the first books in our new Bloomsbury Comics Studies series. Edited by Derek Parker Royal (who you can hear regularly on The Comics Alternative Podcast), the series explores major genres, themes and creators in accessible reference guide format, covering key texts, historical and social contexts and central critical debates.
The first book in the series looks at that most enduringly popular of comics genres: Superhero Comics. Written by Chris Gavaler (Washington and Lee University, USA), the book charts the history of the genre, including key characters such as pre-Comic Code figures Superman and Batman to contemporary heroes like Ms. Marvel, Black Panther and the X-Men.
Also publishing to launch the series is Andrew J. Kunka’s volume on Autobiographical Comics. This book covers the key texts that have shaped this genre of comics, including Maus, Persepolis and American Splendor, as well as key critical debates and terms in the study of graphic life writing.
The series will be launching this Fall and we have further volumes in the works in which we’ll be covering children’s and young adult comics, webcomics, Manga, the work of Alan Moore and much, much more.
To be continued…
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