The Bloomsbury 21st Century Genre Fiction series seeks new titles addressing innovative trends and development in contemporary genre writing, considering the function of genre in both reflecting and shaping sociopolitical and economic developments of the twenty-first century. The series provides exciting and accessible introductions to new genres in twenty-first-century fiction for fans and critics alike. Exploring the history and uses of each genre to date each title in the series analyses key examples of new genres since the year 2000.
Published titles to date have profiled developments in Scandinavian Crime Fiction, Apocalyptic Fiction and Crunch Lit. We are now putting out a call for proposal for monographs addressing:
• Steampunk
• Zombie Fictions
• 9.11 Fiction
• Fan Fiction
• Cosmopolitan Fictions
• Fem-moir Narratives (like Amy Schumer, Caitlin Moran etc!) well as an open call for exciting new genres and areas of study emergent in the popular culture and the academy today!
Authors should have already published at least one monograph with an established publisher, and should be prepared to deliver the completed manuscript before the end of 2018, if commissioned. Proposals should be presented on a Bloomsbury author proposal form and send to [email protected] or series editor Dr Katy Shaw at [email protected]
Dr Katy Shaw
Subject Lead: English Literature, Principal Lecturer in Contemporary Literature
School of Cultural Studies and Humanities
Faculty of Arts, Environment and Technology
A216 Broadcasting Place
Leeds Beckett University
Tel: 0113 8125786
Twitter: @drkatyshaw
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