BOOK LAUNCH AND POETRY READING: Anthology of Jewish American Poets
Saturday, Oct. 26, 2013, 8:00 p.m.
Oseh Shalom Congregation, 7515 Olive Branch Way, Laurel, MD.
Reading by poets featured in the just-released The Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry: Deborah Ager (co-editor), Nancy Naomi Carlson, Rachel Malis, Yvette Neisser Moreno, and Pia Taavila-Borsheim. Followed by wine and cheese reception. Free and open to the public.
Nancy Naomi Carlson, Ph.D., is an associate editor for Tupelo Press and Translations Editor for Tupelo Quarterly. Nominated five times for a Pushcart Prize, she has published two award-winning chapbooks, as well as Kings Highway and a book of translations, Stone Lyre: Poems of Rene Char. Her work has appeared in print over 200 times, including such journals as AGNI, Crazyhorse, Denver Quarterly, Phoebe, Poetry, Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, and is forthcoming in The Georgia Review. She is a recipient of grants from the NEA, the Maryland Arts Council, and the Montgomery County Arts and Humanities Council.
Rachel Malis earned her MFA from ASU in 2010. Rachel has been published in Oberon Poetry, Modoc Forum, Willows Wept Review, Damselfly Press and the New Mexico Poetry Review. She currently lives in Washington, DC, where she is working on a novel.
Deborah Ager is an author, editor of books, and founder of a magazine. She’s author of Midnight Voices (2009) and co-editor of The Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry (2013) and Old Flame: Ten Years of 32 Poems Magazine (2012). Ager is a founding board member of 32 Poems Magazine, on the editorial board of Redux and a director of the Miller Cabin Poetry Reading Series in Washington, DC. Find out more:
Yvette Neisser Moreno is the author of Grip, winner of the 2011 Gival Press Poetry Award, and an avid translator of Spanish poetry. Her poems, translations, essays, and reviews have appeared in such publications as Foreign Policy in Focus, Palestine-Israel Journal, and Virginia Quarterly Review. In addition to her day job, she coordinates the DC-Area Literary Translators Network (DC-ALT), serves on Split This Rock’s Program Committee, and teaches at The Writer’s Center. Her website is:
Pia Taavila-Borsheim, Ph.D., is the author of Moon on the Meadow (Gallaudet University Press, 2008) and Two Winters (Finishing Line Press 2011). She is Professor of English at Gallaudet, teaching classes in literature and creative writing.
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